Hello gamers welcome to my website thetechmoney.com guys if you are a gamer and you need to buy any new bundle or scan or anything else in it then you need google play redeem code. 

That's why if you want to get Google Play Redeem Code for free, here in this post five Redeem Codes of 10 rupees are given for free at different time every day. 

Also Read This Post > Free Fire Free 50 Rupees Redeem Code Today

If you want to know when these redeem codes are given daily in this post of our website Thetechmoney.com then you have to go to our channel Thetechmoney and watch the latest video there. 

This video will tell you how to get these Redeem Codes and how all these Redeem Codes are given.

How To Get Redeem Code For Free

Here in this post 5 redeem codes will be given daily, if you want to get this redeem code for free then you don't have to do anything just subscribe our YouTube channel Thetechmoney and watch the latest video there.

There it will be told in this video that at what time these redeem codes will be given in this post, so you have to come to this website and check this post at the same time as told in this video.  

Then you have to copy a redeem code and then you have to open google play store app and click on profile icon there then click on redeem code option and redeem any redeem code in your account.

Free Redeem Codes Rs 10.0

Guys, the below redeem codes are 10 rupees redeem codes, and 5 Five redeem codes will be given daily at different times, if you want to know when these redeem codes will be available, then you can visit our channel Thetechmoney. Subscribe to be notified there

🎁 1. Redeem Code Rs 10: [G754CU4LF18JMMUA] 🎁 2. Redeem Code Rs 10: [KUNJ4V5EJF48CMV3] 🎁 3. Redeem Code Rs 10: [3ATDA2ZZ82CKLKB6] 🎁 4. Redeem Code Rs 10: [B1GJT5DKK1JH3ZS4] 🎁 5. Redeem Code Rs 10: [0CBZENYUGLA51TV6]

Follow Us

You must join our Telegram channel and follow our WhatsApp channel because we give new redeem codes in both these channels and also you will get all the new updates of this website from these two channels.

Whatsapp Channel
Telegram channel

3 Bonus Redeem Codes worth Rs.10

3 Redeem Codes of Rs 10 will be given here, apart from the Redeem Codes given above, it will not be mentioned on our channel about these Redeem Codes, when these Redeem Codes will be given, these Redeem Codes will be given randomly. Any time.

🎁 1. Redeem Code Rs 10: [FZJ474RTG2GY8YEC] 🎁 2. Redeem Code Rs 10: [4MN8VAVMC3LSB96E] 🎁 3. Redeem Code Rs 10: [AKXMSKXUMS7TKYZZ]


I hope you will like this post and you will have got 10 rupees free redeem code but if you have not got freedum code then don't worry but let me tell you one way so you can redeem first. 

The way to get the code is that you have to go to our YouTube channel Thetechmoney and watch the latest video there, there is a time table that tells you which redemption code will be given at which time in our website and then you at the same time. 

You have to come to our website and first of all, after copying the redeem code, you have to open the Google Play Store app and enter the redeem code there and redeem it.  

Also Read This Post > 80 Rupees Redeem Code Today 

Thanks for reading this posts.